Unë nuk kuptoj (Albania, Yugoslavia)
Nuk kuptoj (Albania, Yugoslavia)
Nuk mar vesh (Albania, Yugoslavia)
Ez dut ulertzen (Spain, France)
Ez dut urlutzen (Spain, France)
Ez deet konprenizen [Viscayan] (Spain)
Ndang hu boto (Indonesia, Sumatra)
Nie razumieju (Belarus)
Ja nie razumiéju (Belarus)
Ja nie razumu (Belarus)
Mi no save (Vanuatu)

Your blog is unique!
my name is cherry, I came across your blog trying to find people who are learning foreign languages. I am Chinese-American. I learned 0 chinese from home, maybe learned one phrase " happy chinese new years" in toisanese, thats it. I have been studying for many years (over 10 years), but in the US. I speak medium-advanced level cantonese and fairly crappy-medium mandarin. I can read a lot of chinese though. I have been living in Guangzhou for the past year to help increase my level even more. I think my progress has moved slower than others because I have always spent time to learn both Cantonese and Mandarin at the same time as I am interested in both languages. My hearing ability is also fairly poor.
Anyway, I am also a programmer and I have spent a bit of time building a site to help me and ultimately everyone else learn foreign languages(built for any language). I am trying to find people who would like test out the site (and use it to learn at the same time) and give me feedback on it on how to improve it. I am trying to find testers who are learning cantonese/mandarin first since those are the languages I currently use it for. Any person who helps out would have a large say in the sites future direction and structure. Would you be interested? The site is called Sanbit :http://sanbit.com You can see my profile at http://sanbit.com/u/jason
Do you know anyone else who might be interested in using the site to help them learn foreign languages?
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